RE Education Market Study (2024)

Exclusive Access to Interviewees that Participated in the Real Estate Education Study. 

This document will provide insights into the greatest minds in the industry and valuable tips to improve marketing, sales, and operations. 


Don’t skip the preface. Important information here! 

Why was this report written?

1 - To bring value and insights to participants.

2 - To help me understand the market deeper (and meet some great people). 

Understanding the specific market you work in is critical to a successful career. 

As a Founder and Leader of an organization, I’m aware that ‘time’ is our most precious asset. So, thank you for sharing it with me.

What is the subject matter?

The questions I asked during the interviews explored people's goals and challenges, and how they were overcoming them. 

We also had the opportunity to dig into specific topics like strategic partnerships, revenue goals, marketing, sales, and operations. 

All participants were VPs or higher and were from companies that support the Real Estate industry.

Industries spoken with: 

Real Estate, Education, Financial Services, Information Services, Tech, and Marketing. 

What is the goal?

To share knowledge and insights to give and receive value.


For Interviewees Participated in the Real Estate Education Study. 

This document will provide insights into the greatest minds in the industry and valuable tips to improve marketing, sales, and operations. 

Lorrhan Ferreira interviewed 40+ business leaders who support the Real Estate industry. 

Over 60 Hours of Feedback were provided on the most pressing issues and trends. 

Participants of the study included CEOs, Presidents, Directors, Founders, and Owners of:

  • B2B Companies 
  • Trade Associations 
  • Realtor Associations 
  • Brokerage Owners 
  • Mortgage Lenders / Brokers 
  • Colleges 
  • Continuing Educational Institutions 
  • Suppliers 
    • CE Organizations 
    • Analytics 
    • Technology 
    • Software 
    • Marketing and Advertising 
    • Consultancy Organizations
    • News, Advertisers, and Events

We received feedback from real estate professionals who provided unique viewpoints from a place of reflection without the pressure of future success. 

I promised anonymity for organizations, names, and job titles. 

This provided the comfort of speaking freely. People did more than anticipated! 

Some of these insights are expected and many are new. 

The insights that are most expected are always helpful. With busy schedules, sometimes we forget to do simple things, like ‘say thanks!’ 

The Thesis: 

The industry shares similar targets and challenges - It’s a homogeneous market!

 We can help people achieve and overcome challenges by sharing insights and experiences.  

The main goals are continued growth in market share, revenue, and profitability. 

The RE industry’s main challenge is attracting and retaining talent in our current market. 

Table of Contents:

Why was this report written? 2

What is the subject matter? 2

What is the goal? 2

The Thesis: 4

1. The Changing Landscape of Real Estate Education 6

2. Niche Focus and Advanced Offerings 7

3. The Pursuit of Revenue Growth 8

4. Strategies for Growth 9

5. Tools and Metrics 10

6. Challenges and Frustrations 11

7. The Importance of Adaptation 12

8. The Future of Real Estate Education 13

Added Value and Opinions 15

Summary 15

1. The Changing Landscape of Real Estate Education

Traditional real estate education has long been the foundation upon which aspiring and established professionals build their careers. 

However, the real estate industry is experiencing a seismic shift, driven by technological advancements, changing consumer behaviors, and evolving market dynamics. As we interviewed CEOs and founders in the field, it became evident that this shift is reshaping the expectations of both students and educators.

Our conversations unveiled a critical realization: the old ways of teaching just aren't cutting it anymore. 

Real estate, once synonymous with handshakes and paperwork, now stands at the crossroads of technology, sustainability, and innovation. In the past, a standard real estate education often meant memorizing local regulations and learning the art of negotiation. However, today's real estate professionals grapple with an entirely different landscape. Online listings, virtual tours, and data-driven insights have become the new norm. Buyers and sellers expect more than a basic understanding of contracts; they seek experts who can navigate the digital frontier

The interviewees emphasized the importance of staying current. They recognize that the industry is no longer just about bricks and mortar; it's about bytes and algorithms. 

The future of real estate education lies in adapting to these changes, incorporating technology-driven coursework, and preparing students for a world where the virtual realm is just as significant as the physical. In the subsequent sections of this report, we will delve deeper into the strategies, tools, and challenges that these education providers are grappling with as they endeavor to meet the demands of this rapidly changing real estate landscape.

2. Niche Focus and Advanced Offerings

In a competitive market, RE education providers are finding success by carving out niches and offering advanced courses. The CEOs and founders we spoke with emphasized their commitment to specialized education and training for experienced professionals. These tailored programs not only cater to the unique needs of their target audience but also provide a pathway to certifications and designations that can set individuals apart in a crowded industry.

Traditional real estate education often followed a one-size-fits-all approach, offering a broad curriculum that catered to entry-level and experienced professionals alike. However, our interviews highlighted a fundamental shift towards specialized, niche-focused education.

CEOs and founders recognized that experienced professionals, like seasoned agents, brokers, and property managers, crave advanced knowledge that goes beyond the basics. They're thirsty for courses that delve deep into specialized areas, offering not just information but mastery.

The insights from these interviews revealed that education providers are stepping up to meet this demand. They are crafting programs that cater to specific niches within the real estate industry, such as sustainable real estate practices or cutting-edge technology integration. 

These tailored courses provide not only in-depth knowledge but also coveted certifications and designations that set professionals apart in a crowded field.

The key takeaway here is that the future of real estate education is no longer confined to the basics. It's about offering advanced, specialized learning opportunities that empower professionals to excel in their chosen niches. As we explore further in this report, we'll delve into the strategies employed by education providers to design and deliver these advanced offerings, ensuring that students are equipped with the expertise needed to thrive in today's competitive real estate market.

3. The Pursuit of Revenue Growth

While these education providers have a strong reputation in the industry, they face the pressing challenge of revenue growth. Competition is fierce, and standing out requires innovative strategies. 

Our interviewees shared their 12-month goal of achieving substantial revenue growth while maintaining the quality of their education and training programs. To achieve this, they are focusing on marketing enhancements and the introduction of courses aligned with industry trends.

Revenue growth has become a pressing challenge for education providers. The interviews with CEOs and founders revealed that the competitive landscape in the real estate education sector has intensified.

Education providers acknowledge the need to not only maintain their existing reputation but also expand their reach and increase revenues in the next 12 months.

Their goal is not just about surviving; it's about thriving in a rapidly evolving market.

To achieve this, the interviewees shared strategies that revolve around marketing enhancements and the introduction of new courses and designations. They're focusing on captivating a wider audience and boosting their online presence. They also recognize the importance of aligning their educational offerings with current industry trends and demands.

This pursuit of revenue growth is not just a financial imperative; it's a means to continue offering high-quality education and training. It's a commitment to empower real estate professionals to excel in their careers and meet the evolving needs of the market.

4. Strategies for Growth

The strategies outlined by our interviewees encompass marketing improvements, client acquisition efforts, and the development of new courses and designations. They recognize the importance of reaching a wider audience, enhancing their online presence, and staying agile in a rapidly changing landscape. These leaders are proactive in addressing the hurdles they face. In the pursuit of revenue growth, CEOs and founders of real estate education companies are strategically navigating the changing landscape. The interviews shed light on their multifaceted approaches to achieving this goal. 

Marketing enhancements are a pivotal part of their strategy. These leaders are actively working to reach a broader audience by fine-tuning their online presence. They understand that capturing the attention of real estate professionals requires effective digital marketing campaigns, engaging content, and active participation in social media spaces, especially LinkedIn. 

The development and introduction of new courses and designations are another significant aspect of their growth strategy. These courses are carefully designed to align with the latest industry trends and demands. By staying ahead of the curve, education providers aim to offer value that goes beyond the traditional curriculum.

Adaptability is a common theme. The ever-evolving nature of the real estate industry demands agility. These leaders recognize that success lies in their ability to pivot and respond swiftly to market changes and emerging trends. As we dive deeper into this report, we will explore the intricacies of these growth strategies, the challenges faced along the way, and how education providers are actively working to overcome these challenges to secure a brighter future in the realm of real estate education.

5. Tools and Metrics

To measure their progress, our interviewees rely on key metrics such as revenue growth, client acquisition rates, and client satisfaction scores. They utilize a suite of tools, including Google Analytics and HubSpot, to optimize their marketing efforts. While they appreciate these tools, they also acknowledge the need for better data integration to streamline their analytics.

These metrics offer a clear snapshot of the health of their businesses. Increasing revenue is the primary goal, and tracking it closely allows them to gauge the effectiveness of their strategies.

These tools help in tracking website performance and managing marketing campaigns. While appreciated for their utility, these leaders also acknowledge the challenges of data integration. They seek more streamlined ways to collect and analyze data from various sources to make informed decisions.

In a nutshell, data-driven decision-making is at the core of their operations. It enables them to allocate resources effectively, identify areas for improvement, and adapt their strategies promptly.

As we continue our exploration, we'll dive deeper into the specific metrics that matter most to these education providers and the tools they leverage to stay ahead in the evolving world of real estate education.

6. Challenges and Frustrations

The competitive landscape and the need to differentiate themselves can be frustrating, but these challenges are viewed as opportunities for improvement. The urgency of client acquisition and the refinement of marketing strategies are the immediate priorities. Additionally, they must continuously adapt their course offerings to address emerging trends and demands.

Foremost among these challenges is the intensifying competition. The real estate education landscape is crowded, with numerous players offering similar courses. The need to differentiate and stand out in this fiercely competitive arena can be daunting. 

Marketing refinement is another pressing challenge. While these education providers are committed to enhancing their marketing efforts, they recognize the need for continuous optimization. The digital marketing landscape is ever-evolving, and they must adapt swiftly to reach their target audience effectively.

The third hurdle is the necessity to continuously adapt their course offerings to address emerging trends and demands. Staying ahead of the curve requires constant innovation and responsiveness.

Yet, amid these challenges, they view each as an opportunity for improvement. These leaders understand that overcoming these hurdles is essential to securing their place in the dynamic world of real estate education. They are resolute in their determination to adapt, innovate, and thrive

7. The Importance of Adaptation

In an industry that's ever-changing, staying attuned to market trends and adapting is paramount. The CEOs and founders we interviewed understand that offering relevant, flexible, and online learning options is essential. They also recognize the significance of specialized designations in areas like sustainable real estate practices and technology integration.

One significant trend they have identified is the growing demand for online and flexible learning options. In an era where professionals juggle multiple commitments, the need for education that accommodates busy schedules is paramount. These education providers are actively responding by offering online courses and flexible formats that empower learners to balance their careers and education.

Additionally, they have noted a rising interest in specialized designations. Real estate professionals are seeking expertise in areas such as sustainable real estate practices and technology integration. Recognizing this, education providers are crafting courses and designations that cater to these evolving demands.

The ability to pivot swiftly and provide relevant, cutting-edge content is their secret weapon in staying ahead. They understand that the real estate industry is no longer just about transactions; it's about embracing technology, sustainability, and specialization.

As we delve further into this report, we will explore how these education providers are adapting to these trends and leveraging them to provide a more dynamic and relevant learning experience for real estate professionals. Their commitment to adaptation underscores their dedication to preparing students for success in an ever-evolving industry.

8. The Future of Real Estate Education

In conclusion, the traditional model of real estate education is facing significant challenges in today's rapidly evolving industry. As these CEOs and founders strive for revenue growth and adapt to changing market dynamics, the future of real estate education lies in specialized, advanced, and flexible offerings. By addressing the shortcomings of traditional education and embracing innovation, they are paving the way for a new era of learning in the real estate sector.

The future of real estate education is evolving before our eyes, guided by the insights and strategies of CEOs and founders in the field. As the industry continues to transform, these education providers are shaping a new era of learning.

One prevailing theme is the shift towards specialized, advanced, and flexible offerings. They recognize that real estate professionals require more than just a basic understanding of contracts and regulations. To thrive in this dynamic landscape, education must equip them with in-depth knowledge and expertise in niche areas.

Technology plays a pivotal role in this transformation. Online courses, virtual reality property tours, and data-driven insights are becoming standard components of real estate education. The digital realm is no longer an option; it's a necessity.

Moreover, the emphasis on specialized designations is set to grow. Sustainable real estate practices, proptech integration, and other emerging fields are gaining prominence. Education providers are responding with courses that not only keep pace with trends but anticipate them.

The future of real estate education is a fusion of tradition and innovation. It's about honoring the fundamentals while embracing the possibilities of technology and specialization. These education providers are not just preparing students for today's market; they're equipping them to lead in tomorrow's real estate landscape.

As we journey through this report, we will delve into the strategies, tools, and challenges that are shaping this exciting future and the role these education providers play in it


In this rapidly evolving industry, traditional real estate education is no longer sufficient. Our interviews with industry leaders have shed light on the shortcomings of the status quo and the strategies they are employing to bridge the gap. As we continue our journey through this report, we will delve deeper into the challenges and opportunities facing real estate education providers, ultimately providing insights and recommendations for navigating this ever-changing landscape.

In this dynamic and rapidly evolving realm of real estate education, the status quo is no longer sufficient. Our conversations with CEOs and founders have unveiled a transformative landscape where adaptability and innovation are the guiding principles.

The future of real estate education lies in specialized, advanced, and flexible offerings. Education providers are taking proactive steps to meet the evolving demands of real estate professionals, recognizing that the journey to success is no longer a one-size-fits-all path.

As we've explored in this report, these leaders are leveraging technology, embracing specialization, and enhancing their marketing efforts to pave the way for a new era of learning. They're not just responding to change; they're driving it, ensuring that real estate professionals are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in a complex and competitive market.

The challenges they face are seen not as roadblocks but as opportunities for growth and improvement. Their dedication to adaptability underscores their commitment to providing exceptional education and training, empowering individuals to thrive in the ever-evolving world of real estate. As we conclude this report, we celebrate the vision and resilience of these education providers, who are not just preparing students for today's market but shaping the future of real estate education itself.

Added Value and Opinions 

  • New Tech is more widely adopted. 
  • Successful businesses are deepening service offers to create stronger relationships with clients.
  • Honesty, Integrity, Good Customer Service level of service - pick up the phone. 
  • The best practice happening in the sector is partnerships. 
  • “I don’t support simplification of quals” - can't with one simple funding formula - complexity is needed and well explained. 
  • Fight for good individuals.
  • Advice - treat people well, focus on the customer, and don’t obsess over audits.
  • Sport is the vehicle for positive change.
  • Career guidance is one of the sources of all problems.
  • Get good at writing bids and focus bids on what the government asks for. 
  • Lower enrolment numbers than in the 1980s. Damage to the apprenticeship brand due to gov policy. 
  • A provider stated, “Government Priority is the IT Sector”. 


This report provides an analysis of the changing landscape of real estate education. We interviewed CEOs and founders of real estate education providers to understand their approach to adapting to the changing landscape of the industry

What are the main goals, challenges, and opportunities within the FE Sector? The homogeneous nature of the market with many nuances made interviews interesting.

The same questions were asked to all. The only difference was contextualization for the specific stakeholder group.

The feedback was reviewed to extract the most common and valuable points. 

As outlined, the main focuses include 

  1. Sales and Marketing - Revenue Growth 
  2. Talent - Challenges. How to attract and retain talent. 
  3. The New World - Covid Effect. 

Lastly, the participants in the study had broader personal goals than revenue growth. Most participants are working towards impacting people positively. ‘Providing opportunities they wish they had."